Average restaurant POS cost

Restaurant Aloha pos help manualThere are easily more than 70 different Aloha pos help manuals on the market. The numbers continue to grow as more and more iPad-based solutions enter the market. Finding the right Aloha pos help manual for a restaurant can be a daunting task. You want one that is easy to use, that matches your budget, that has good customer support, and that offers features you need for your specific business. Knowing exactly what you need in a system is a great start. It helps you to narrow down the field a bit. Once you’ve narrowed down the options, all that’s left is to test out each restaurant Aloha pos help manual. Think of the process like the process of buying a new car. Narrow it down by make, model, and feature packages before taking it on a test drive. This guide will help you thin out the options and find the best choice for your restaurant.


Before you get into the research and fall in love with the Lamborghini of restaurant Aloha pos help manuals, it’s best to know what you can afford to spend. This does a couple of things. First of all it helps to narrow the selection pool, and secondly, it keeps you from becoming hypnotized and overspending on the shiniest new toy. As you consider your budget for a POS, keep the following costs in mind: license fees, monthly support fees, and the cost of any hardware bundles you may need to purchase. Below is a breakdown of the average costs.

  • Locally-installed restaurant POS software generally has a one-time license fee that ranges between $1, 000 and $2, 500. Web-based systems don’t usually charge a licensing fee.
    The monthly support fees for those same locally-installed systems run from about $25 to $100 per month. Web-based restaurant Aloha pos help manuals charge anywhere from $50 to $200 per month for their service.
  • Locally-installed Aloha pos help manuals are your more traditional Aloha pos help manuals. The hardware for those ranges from $2, 000 to $4, 000. Hardware bundles for web-based systems, on the other hand, cost between $450 and $1, 500.
  • Do your best to avoid long-term contracts and cancellation fees. Sometimes it’s good to keep your options open.

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