If you are hailing a cab today, it may pay to check you can pay in cash.

Paymark has confirmed some merchants using wireless eftpos terminals are currently unable to accept eftpos payments because of a connectivity issue.

Paymark said its own network was working normally, but it had been made aware of "a technical issue" for merchants using some terminals that connected using Vodafone's GPRS data network.

Vodafone said it was not an issue with its network.

"Our customer, Cadmus, provides eftpos terminals in taxis. Cadmus uses a third party link to carry the data traffic from our network to their own, and it is this link which appears to be broken, " a spokeswoman said. "We are doing all we can to help our customer get back online."

Wellington Combined Taxis said this morning that it was one of the companies unable to accept eftpos.

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